Coming of age experiences
Nature-Based Rites of Passage for Youth Ages 12-15
Coming of Age Today | Types of Trips | Benefits | Our Guides | Return to Youth Programs
The Importance of a Coming of Age Rite of Passage for Youth Today
There comes a moment in the life of every youth where they leave Childhood behind, and step into that phase of development we call Adolescence, or the teen-age years, during which time they cultivate the capacities, knowledge and skills they will need to step powerfully into adulthood in our modern world. This transition requires a true transformation of a person, because being a child and being a young adult require us to be, in some very important respects, entirely different kinds of people. The two largest themes tend to be moving from dependence to independence (always of course interdependent), and becoming a sexual being (puberty). These necessary changes require young people to transform how they see themselves in the world, to tell a new story about who they are, how they want to be, and what they are contributing to the world.
The power of the Coming of Age as a real, overt rite of passage experience for youth comes in large part from being dramatically and thoroughly separated — severed, even — from all of the surroundings that have held them and shaped them as a child: parents, siblings, friends, teachers, and even pets, rooms, toys, belongings. They will find themselves suddenly within a circle of young people, guided by supportive adults, encountering a whole new world. That world constantly asks them “Who are you really?” They will try out their childhood answers, and often find that those don’t really work anymore. They will have to find new answers to some crucial questions: What are my strengths? What are my challenges? How can I contribute? What do I care about? Where do I want to grow? What do I value? What kind of person do I want to be?
Family Participation
It is easy to think that a rite of passage is primarily about the transformation of the youth who are experiencing it, but in reality, each youth is part of a family, and a community, and who they are now as a child is actually shaped and held by those people. To truly invite a youth to leave childhood and become a young adult means asking those who have been holding them as a child to give up that knowing of them, and make room for something new, something bigger to emerge. The arrival of adolescence inherently brings big changes to the whole family and community!
Saying goodbye to the child they have known can be surprisingly difficult for family members. Especially for parents/guardians, a large part of our identity comes from our role as a caregiver for our child. What does it mean for us if we no longer have a child to nurture and protect? The task of parents and primary caregivers is to gracefully give up our role as a parent/guardian of a child, and discover a new meaningful purpose in being the parent/guardian of a young adult (which requires very different things from us). This is why at Rite of Passage Journeys, our Coming of Age trips include significant ceremonies and activities that support parents and community members in powerfully reimagining their sense of both self and family, to support and make room for the new youth who is returning.
what trip is best for your youth?
Trips for Young Women
Rite of Passage Journeys offers two types of Coming of Age experiences for young women. Our Mountain Quest trip is our flagship 21-day backpacking-based experience that we have been delivering for over 50 years. More recently, we developed Moon Rise, an 8-day retreat-based experience for those who aren’t drawn to do a long backpacking trip. Both experiences are strongly nature-based. These journeys welcome all who identify as female, trans girls, and non-binary youth, knowing this journey is an initiation through the female lens.
7 & 8-day Basecamp Coming of Age experience for young women age 12-14
21-day Backpacking Coming of Age experience for young women age 12-14
Trips for Young Men
In 2023, Rite of Passage Journeys is offering one Coming of Age experience for young men, the classic Mountain Quest for Young Men. This 21-day backpacking trip is our longest running experience, returning to the amazing Olympic mountains that we have been visiting for over 50 years. This journey welcomes all who identify as male, trans boys, and non-binary youth, knowing this journey is an initiation through the male lens.
8-day preparatory adventure for boys age 12 - 14.
21-day Backpacking Coming of Age experience for boys age 13-15
Not sure which trip is right for your youth? Contact Us and we’ll help figure it out.
Trips for LGBTQ2IA+ Youth
Rite of Passage Journeys began offering trips centering queer, trans and gender-diverse youth in 2018, and each year has looked very different. For 2023, our queer, trans and gender-diverse centered program is Queer Crossing, a program for youth ages 14-18. Queer, trans and gender-diverse youth ages 12 and 13, who comfortably intersect with the young women’s and young men’s gender-grouped trips described above, are welcome to join those programs (as are 14 and 15 yr olds!).
queer mountain quest
This Program Is In Development
8-day Basecamp Rite of Passage experience for youth age 14-18
Benefits of a Coming of Age Rite of Passage
Teamwork | Self Reflection | Nature Connection | Backcountry Skills | Council | Campskills
Improved self-confidence
Group communication and problem solving skills
Understanding and taking responsibility
Ability to listen to intuition
Creative self-expression
Leadership and teamwork skills
Improved physical strength and personal resolve
Knowledge of natural history of Northwest terrain
Low-impact camping techniques
Understanding of healthy and appropriate paths to adulthood
our coming of age guides
Annabelle fox
Queer Crossing
Mountain Quest Young Women
Annabelle (she/her) is from southwestern Washington where she picked up some of her favorite hobbies, such as looking for bugs and making fire. She has since found many avenues for those early desires…
Mitch Glover
Mountain Quest Young Men
A West Coast native, Mitchell Glover believes that the natural world can provide us with the means to find our own path to bliss. After an unforgettable 16yr career as a Navy Deep Sea Diver, he began his next life step as a mentor…
Onna Jaeger
Moon Rise
Onna (she/her) arrived in the Seattle area in late 2019 with plans to pursue her Master of Social Work degree from the University of Washington. Onna was born and raised in Connecticut, just a short walk from a nature preserve…
jay cacka
Mountain Quest Young Men
Jay Cacka (pronounced Cha-ch-ka) grew up in the Willamette Valley in Oregon. As a child, he played for endless hours around the creek in his backyard, building forts, climbing trees, swimming and…
kensey nadler
Mountain Quest Young Women
Kensey Nadler was born nestled in the hills of Santa Barbra, Ca. She graduated from Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, concentrating on outdoor adventure leadership and women's studies.. . .
tarek kutay
Mountain Quest Young Men
Tarek was born in Duwamish Territory/Seattle, WA into a family of travelers and activists, spending much of his early years working with youth…
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Solo Crossing
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