Join us for an engaging hour on Zoom with Adult Wilderness Quest and Adult Mountain Quest guides Colleen and Thompson Bishop, facilitated by our new Executive Director Jenny Macke.
Learn about the life changing aspects of Questing.
How it has changed their lives and the ways they listen and respond with their unique soul callings in offering this through Rite of Passage Journeys.
Ask questions and be curious about how Questing might meet your longing for a sense of:
More clear Purpose and service in the World
Ways to more deeply and intimately connect with the natural world
Connection to receiving support on your life path from a group and experienced guides
Touching into your learning edge and the next phase of growth in your life
Self-efficacy in wilderness travel and testing your limits within a safe enough environment of care
Date: Monday, May 15th
Time: 6pm-7pm PST
Where: Zoom Room
No pre-registration needed
We look forward to being curious with you. Come if you are thinking about attending a quest this summer or sometime in the future!
your guides!
Colleen Bishop: Colleen is a doctoral student of Integral and Transpersonal Psychology with an emphasis in Somatic Psychology at CIIS. She is also a graduate alumni of Naropa University and holds a MA in Transpersonal Ecopsychology. She serves as co-director for Alchemy of Prana--a nature-based nonprofit organization fostering the liberation of deep consciousness and relationship with the natural world.
Thompson (Tbird) Bishop: Trained in classical piano and voice, Thompson holds undergraduate degrees in Music and Recording Arts, and a MA in Transpersonal Ecopsychology from Naropa University. In 2017, he co-founded Alchemy of Prana, and is currently a CIIS doctoral student in Integral and Transpersonal Psychology with a Somatic Psychology emphasis.
How is Adult Mountain Quest different than Adult Wilderness Quest?
Adult Mountain Quest (AMQ) is a backpacking trip, and participants will carry everything they need for the 13-day quest on their backs up into the mountains. Adult Wilderness Quest (AWQ) will be centered at a basecamp in the forest that is accessed by vehicle — car camping, basically. The main distinction here is that AWQ is designed to be less physically challenging, and AMQ explicitly incorporates the potential difficulty of the trail as a part of the “trials” of the quest.
Learn more about the different aspects of Adult Mountain Quest and Adult Wilderness Quest on their program pages!