
Center Pole Reflections: "Who Am I?"

Center Pole Reflections: "Who Am I?"

In this blog, Randy Morris offers his thoughts on the question of “Who am I?”, archetypal patterns of human development, and how they relate to our thinking and practices at Rite of Passage Journeys. He writes, “I offer the following reflections as a step in the direction of clarifying the basic principles and assumptions that guide our work. I often refer to these assumptions as the Center Pole of Journeys. The image of the Center Pole marks where we stand most authentically as a non-profit organization and as an earth-centric community. A well built Center Pole tells us what we are, and what we are not. To articulate a Center Pole is to encourage and foster a community of learning.”

Rites & Responsibilities: A Guide to Growing Up

Rites & Responsibilities: A Guide to Growing Up

Today, Journeys remembers our founder Stan Crow, who passed away on November 15th, 2009. Stan was an outstanding mentor for many in their youth and young adulthood, devoting much of his life to providing them meaningful coming of age experiences. One of those young people is our former Executive Director, Darcy Ottey, who in her new book shares the impact Stan had in her life and the lessons on mentorship his legacy left behind.

Calling In Our Collective Wisdom

Calling In Our Collective Wisdom

Our small group of elders included past and present Journeys Board members, former trip participants, and supportive volunteers like myself. We assigned ourselves in groups of 2-3 to be present to witness and honor the journey of summer participants (we dubbed them “Questers”) before they depart and to recognize and celebrate them on their return.